Scholarship Contest By InvestManiacs

Scholarship Contest by InvestManiacsOne of the best achievements that anyone can make in life is securing their own financial freedom. This will allow you to engage in the activities you want to do and even help others to improve their own lives. Financial freedom removes a huge amount of stress. One of the best ways of achieving this financial independence is through education. It is this which will enable you to see the opportunities as they arise and make the most of them.

InvestManiacs is a forex / binary options industry guide which has created a scholarship program; the aim of this program is simply to ensure young people place enough emphasis on the appropriate level of academic achievement. Anyone who is registered as a student can apply for an annual contribution of $1500 towards their tuition fees. Providing you are at least 18 years of age and in some form of official education you can apply!

How to Apply

Appropriately, it is necessary to write a short essay. Topic - “My Future Way To Financial Freedom”. It will need to be between 1000-1500 words long. It is essential that all stories are unique, copied work will be disqualified. To stand the best chance of winning this annual contest it is advisable to keep your essay to the point and use your imagination; thinking outside of the box is a good idea!

It is important to note that your writing can be crafted as a story of success; although kept concise. Or, you can choose to create it more as a business plan; a path to follow through life. It is likely that your writing will include guidelines to show how people need to live their lives in order to achieve the desired results. Showing an understanding that success does not come without risk and hard work will assist you in achieving your goal; just as every effort should be made to ensure your work reaches the highest possible standard.

We'd like to inform you that 2016 InvestManiacs Essay Contest has been finalized. We've received 57 submissions and selected the winner. In order to participate in 2017 InvestManiacs Essay Contest please proceed here

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